Monday, August 20, 2012

The morning of...

our first day to school...

I felt this little tap and heard..."Mommy"...I could barely open my eyes, but managed to realize that it was early to wake up. It was 5am and I had one happy & excited little boy on my hands! He woke me up every 15 minutes until finally I got up at 6:30..I encouraged him to go back to bed, then the next time to go back to bed and watch cartoons, then the next time to go make his bed, and then finally...let's go eat breakfast! :)

He could hardly contain his excitement & experiencing his excitement made the drop off a lot  easier!

 Breakfast choice on your 1st day to Kindergarten: Cocoa Puffs
**we had a little conversation this afternoon on what to do from here on out if we get up early**

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