Tuesday, August 21, 2012

And out the door they went....

Mackenzie was so happy about going into 4th grade and Davis was super duper excited (hince 5 am wakeup) about starting Kindergarten! :)

Love how he's looking up to her. That just makes me smile!

Davis walking up to his new school--his backpack is as big as he is! ; )

One last good-bye!
The day went by fast and it wasn't long before this was coming around the corner dropping off a litte girl and boy with great big smiles, because they both had a great 1st day!

1 comment:

Me-Maw said...

Thanks so much for sharing pictures on your blog Shea-Shea :)
I love the front and back ones LOL
They are growing up soooo fast.
Where does the time go ? They are precious to me and I am so glad they are happy and excited about school. I look forward to grand-parents day, when I can go eat lunch with them. And you're right, Davis' backback is as big as he is. Bless his little heart !!!! I bet he enjoyed the bus ride alot :) Can't wait to give him his gifts today. We are blessed beyond measure. "HOW GREAT IS OUR GOD"

The Ford Family