Monday, May 21, 2012

Almost 9!

About a year ago, Mr. Phil told Mackenzie that he would bake bread with her and 6 friends in celebration of her big day! So, from that day on..we knew how we were celebrating turning 9! We sat down and wrote down names for her party, 6 was a hard number to do..she has twin friends, so she asked if she could do 8--and so 8 it was! :) Having to invite a certain number is always hard, you never want to leave anyone out, so I let Mackenzie decide on her 8 friends. I'm thankful that Mackenzie has so many friends! She's my social butterfly for sure!

It all started with the invitation...

Each friend got a little apron!

Mr. Phil had them engaged in his bread discussion...

They each loved preparing their own loaf...

Happy Birthday, Mack!

On the 29th..we will celebrate 9 amazing years with this little girl!
It's so hard to believe that she is almost 9! Where has the time gone??


April said...

What a great party! Love your social butterfly and can't believe she is almost 9. Hate we missed y'all this weekend, but there will be many more.

Angie said...

How stinking precious is this party! AND you know I love red and turquoise ;) 9 years old and pretty as ever!!! Love this family!!

Amanda said...

Mmmm...alright who's typing, I mean talking, I mean typing! me some homemade bread! Great party, but hey I didn't expect any less ;)

Suzpotts said...

Gorgeous girl! Can't believe she's 9! Love the aprons and cake!

The Ford Family