Thursday, May 24, 2012

The end of another school year...

Today was the last day of Mack's 3rd grade year. This week I think I have been to her school every single day except yesterday.
Monday was Multiplication around the world. Certain kids that know their multiplication facts well get to compete in this! I'm so proud of Mack for being selected! :)

(iphone picture)

On Tuesday, I went to Awards day. This year, Mack received an award for
All A's for the year, Art Award, Be a Champion and Read, and Six Flags Read to Succeed (this award entitled her to a free ticket to Six Flags)!!!
Yay Mackenzie!! :)

 Today was Talent Show Day where the kids can perform in front of students & parents.
Mackenzie, Laura Tyson, and Abbie made up a dance routine and if I say so myself...really cute and they did an excellent job! Their routine was to the song by One Direction-What makes you beautiful

and one last picture before we left as a 3rd grader with her teacher, Mrs. Lewis...

This year has been challenging in many ways...
3rd grade is a hard year and adjusting to a new school, but Mackenzie did her very best and for that we are very proud of her!
Hello Summer Vacation!


April said...

Yay, Kenziemack! I'm loving her hair cut. I feel like I've lived at the school this week too. :) I'm living it up while I can though. And I don't know that I would exactly call summer a "vacation," because... ha! Can't wait to get together. Love you.

April said...

P.S. Wish I could've seen the dance. Did you record it? Love the song choice. ;)

Me-Maw said...

I am so proud of you too, Mackenzie
I am so sorry I had to miss your talent performance. The pictures are really good. You'll have to re-inact it for me,okay !
I love you very much !

Amanda said...

Um six flags??? Can't wait ;)
Congrats on all ur awards mgf!

Angie said...

I want to see a video of their dance! She is too beautiful for words Shea. I know that y'all are so proud of her. Hello summertime-Can't wait to see y'all!! xoxoxo

The Ford Family