Thursday, August 16, 2012

Meet the Teacher x2

This morning, we started the day off at Davis' new school.
We are really excited about his teacher and we saw lots of familar faces that he will share the year with and we are looking forward to the new friendships that he will make. 

Davis and his Kindergarten teacher...
Mrs. Owens

This afternoon, we went to Mackenzie's school...All summer Mackenzie has been praying that she would get Mrs. Massey. She was super excited to find out that was indeed who she got and is super excited about the upcoming year with lots of friends!

Mackenzie and her 4th grade teacher...
Mrs. Massey

Looking forward to a wonderful school year filled with lots of learning and memories!


April said...

Reid got the same teacher Grant and Mac had, and we couldn't be more excited!! Yay for great teachers!! :)

April said...

Reid got the same teacher Grant and Mac had, and we couldn't be more excited!! Yay for great teachers!! :)

Angie said...

YAY!!! Good luck to your cuties tomorrow!!!

The Ford Family