Wednesday, August 29, 2012

It was a SUPER day!

On Sunday, we celebrated Davis' 6th Birthday! We had lots of friends & family join us at Shakey's for games, pizza, and cake! I think all of the kids had lots of fun and it was a really easy party!
I still can't believe we had to put 6 candles on top this year--where does the time go?
Mackenzie was so sweet and did a great job giving everyone a superhero tatoo!
Thanks to everyone that loves this little boy just as much as we do!
He's one special 6 year old!


Tara said...

Fun, fun! Hope the $4 million dollar part favors were a hit. :)

April said...

Still hard to believe he's 6. Hate we missed it. I know my boys would have loved being a part of all the fun.

The Ford Family