Saturday, August 11, 2012

Everything is bigger in Texas!

This past week, we went to visit my sister in Austin, Texas! She jokes and says we really came out to see baby Anne, which is partially the truth! ha!  Mackenzie and Davis are in love with their cousin. I had a lot of competition trying to steal all her loving!
She's pretty adorable!

We spent our first day around Austin. We ended up at The Children's Museum, where the kids had a great time! Anne was a trooper and enjoyed being carried around by her cousin! ; )

Later in the week, we also made a trip to San Antonio to visit the zoo and riverwalk.

Until I see this sweet face again...

Great Trip to Austin!

1 comment:

April said...

I know you hated leaving that sweet baby. She is adorable, as are your two of course. ;) Glad you had a good trip. You're a good momma and sister!

The Ford Family