Monday, July 9, 2012

Playing Catch up!

This summer has been filled to the max & I wouldn't have it any other way!  I secretly love being on the go! ; )

This past week, we spent the week relaxing and enjoying the sun, water, & sand. It was mighty nice to enjoy it with some of our besties!

Since, I didn't get any pictures of the kiddos on the beach from our other beach trip, I wasnted to this go round. Why? Oh, Why do we torture ourselves to accomplish such? It's not the taking the pictures, its the getting out of the pool and getting upstairs to get dressed to get the pictures. Lordy!
Atleast, I got what I wanted...hehee!

This week, we are back in full swing with tball & gymnastics!
Until our next adventure...
Shhhh...we've got something fun planned!  ; )

1 comment:

Tara said...

Fun, fun! And Lord knows I feel your pain on the torturous process you go through to get those beach pictures taken. They're worth it, though! And I need details on Mack's precious outfit!!

The Ford Family