Tuesday, July 24, 2012

A grateful heart.

Look at that face. Angelic comes to mind...and that she can be! But lately, I find myself having to explain why her brother gets to do things & believe me...she keeps our life on the go, so she doesn't go without! I'm longing for her to have a grateful heart, a heart that appreciates every little thing, not just the big things, even the little things. Not only good times, but times that we don't always understand why. And at the same time, it's the same lesson that I often have to remind myself. It's a hard lesson. I have more than I deserve. He has given me a wonderful, hardworking, & loving husband. Two beautiful & healthy kids. But, why do we always wonder... what if...why?
 If we all just had a grateful heart. 


Angie said...

Now this was a GREAT post! I needed this ;) xoxo!!

Me-Maw said...

This is a very good picture of Mackenzie. And she does look angelic. She is so pretty, looks like her mama. :) And yes, we all have so much to be grateful for. I love you all so much !!!

April said...

I struggle as well. Great post, Shea!

Suzpotts said...

AMEN! We could all use a little gratitude in our lives. Thanks, Shea!

The Ford Family