Sunday, June 3, 2012

Memorial Weekend Fun

It was a weekend of fun on the lake.
We headed to the lake on Saturday morning and spent the whole weekend.
We are blessed with sweet friends who were out of town and offered us their place.
It's mighty nice waking up at the lake...We enjoyed a late evening boat ride and watched the sun set.

There was lots of intertubing...

lots of boat rides...

and lots of fun with friends...

On Tuesday morning,
we had a birthday girl in the house!
We woke her up with waffles & candles...

Seeing this smile..brings a smile to our face!
What a great funfilled long weekend! :)


Angie said...

What a fun weekend! Looks like y'all had lots of quality time, which I know it's hard to come by with Bubba's schedule ;)Precious pictures!

Amanda said...

I LOVE early morning pics...bedhead and all! Precious!! Wish we could have joined yall...darn baseball :) Next time for sure!!

The Ford Family