Thursday, June 21, 2012

He's a Sand Gnat...Again!

We are in full t-ball swing. Davis had his first game Tuesday night and he's on the Sand Gnats again this year! He has a super cute team filled with lots of friends! : ) We had another game tonight and they are all doing so good and look to be having a lot of fun!!!

Davis was super excited about his grass stain on his new baseball pants...He came running out of the dug out to me and pointed it out! ; )

He's cracking us all up with his excitement in sliding and getting dirty!!!!

We love our #5!
Go Sand Gnats!


April said...

SO fun! You know we love some baseball around here. ;) Mac loves to slide too, the dirtier those pants are the better. I have learned some good tips on getting stains out... remember Shout and Fels-Naptha. :)

I miss y'all!

Me-Maw said...

He looks so cute in his uniform.
I love the pictures. See if Heather can scan me copies of a few of them or the team picture.
Love ya'll
Me-Maw :)

The Ford Family